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SR-826 (Palmetto Expressway) & SR-836 (Dolphin Expressway)

Contract Type: Design-Build-Finance

Contract Amount: $559 million

Location: Miami-Dade County, Florida

Client: FDOT District Six

JV Partners: Community Asphalt Corp. & Condotte America, Inc.

Design Partners: BCC Engineering, Inc. & Stantec 


FICE Engineering Excellence Grand Conceptor Award


American Segmental Bridge Institute (ASBI) Bridge Award of Excellence

Project Gears Eye Candy
The SR 826 / SR 836 Interchange is the second largest highway project in Florida. It is a four level interchange in the heart of Miami-Dade County adjacent to the Miami International Airport and includes reconstruction of approximately 2 miles of SR 826 and 3 miles of SR 836 to provide 5 lanes in each direction.  The project also includes the introduction of EBCD and WBCD roads along SR 836, as well as the construction of 47 new bridges, including 4 segmental bridges.
The de Moya Group is a JV partner on the project with a contract amount of $190 million and is directly responsible for the construction of 21 bridges, 2 million cubic yards of embankment and the paving of SR 826 and SR 836. Four of the 21 bridges are over water and two are over the CSX Railroad. The de Moya Group has also established a casting yard on site and is fabricating all beams, piles, barrier walls and MSE wall panels for the project.

Project Features:

  • Procurement consisted of an alternate bid process with 5 bid alternates. The de Moya JV Team was the only team that provided the Department with the ultimate project (Alternate #1) and was given the highest technical score on their proposal.
  • Project challenges include coordination with Miami International Airport, three active rail lines and the relocation of the north line canal through the heart of the interchange.
  • Scope items include an extensive ITS program for the interchange, more than 80 sign structures and DMS gantries, and 4 million cubic yards of embankment.
  • An innovative MOT design reduced long term movement closures permitted by the RFP from 1,365 days to 30 days and eliminated 98% of the planned closures.
  • BCC Engineering is the prime design firm responsible for all project design management and coordination efforts. BCC developed the roadway geometry and final plans, led the structures concept design for the 47 bridges, and provided final design for 22 bridges, traffic operations plans and miscellaneous structures.
  • C3TS is a major design partner on the project responsible for over $200 million in improvements. They serve as the Engineer of Record for the Maintenance of Traffic plans for the four (4) level interchange, which handles over 400,000 vehicles per day. C3TS is also responsible for the design of over 3 miles of SR 836 as well as all of the major arterial work, 22 bridges and corridor-wide pavement design.